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Illus. Harry Clarke |
Flotsam (1d100+1d6)
Based heavily on Chris G's Secret Santicore 2013 contribution, "What did the ocean barf up this time?". I favor terser entries, so where there is a corresponding entry in that table I have put it in square brackets after. Entries that are bold with a "*" should not be replaced after they are rolled.- 20th Century Radio & Debris [31]
- Addictive Air Bubble [81]
- Alistair the Whale [78]
- Ambergris [40]
- Amnesiac Noble [12]
- Anchored Ghouls [45]
- Baby [62]
- Baby Seal [89]
- Bagpipes [73]
- Barnacled Pier [58]
- Barrel of:
- Nothing
- Ale [63]
- Oil [16]
- Vinegar[22]
- Wine
- Admiral Nelson
- Blood [41]
- Body* [95]
- Boot, containing: [1]
- Nothing
- Foot with Toe-Ring [13]
- Prosthetic
- Crabs
- Gemstones
- Smaller Boot
- Bottle, with Message: [100]
- From a Castaway
- Warning to PC from Future Self
- Old Love-Letter
- Plea for Help from Noble
- Deed to Creepy Island
- Treasure Map
- Bottles, Broken [6]
- Box of Chocolates [75]
- Bridge
- Capstan
- Chalk [56]
- Chest of MLT [23]
- Chill Sea Serpent [84]
- Cloak of the Manta Ray [91]
- Coracle
- Crate of Rations* [32]
- Creepy Masthead [21]
- Crystal Ball [87]
- Cursed Sand-Counter [46]
- Diary of a Time Traveler [10]
- Dog [82]
- Dragon Turtle Shell
- Driftwood [34]
- Drunk Assholes [70]
- Escaped Rowing-slave [15]
- Eavesdropping Seashell [60]
- Evil Mermaid Wizard [3]
- Famous Painting [9]
- Fishing Net [67]
- Fleet of Paper Boats
- Floating City, Run Aground [99]
- Floating Wizard's Tower
- Floating Zombie
- Formal Invitations to Poseidon's Party [37]
- Garbage [55]
- Genie in a Bottle [33]
- Ghost Ship [20]
- Giant Egg, Hatches in (1d6x2)2 Hours [14]
- Giant Oar
- Giant Ornery Clam [35]
- Grand Piano [19]
- Hallucinogenic Kelp [11]
- Haunted Treasure Chest [4]
- Hecate [80]
- Iceberg
- Incandescent Sea-Slime [79]
- Invading Military Force [59]
- Jaunty Sea-Snail [39]
- Lifeboat (False Bottom) [18]
- Lobster Trap (1d6-1 Lobsters)
- Lodestone [64]
- Loose Buoy
- Loose Oranges (1d6x100) [77]
- Love Bomb [97]
- Lovers [69]
- Moldy Rope [57]
- Murderous Mutineer [5]
- Namor [66]
- Nereid [38]
- Oil Slick
- Oracle Tortoise [61]
- PC Sibling [17]
- PC's Favorite Bag [86]
- Pirate Philosophers [26]
- Pirates Burying Rum [92]
- Pleasure Barge [54]
- Poltergeist with Anchor [27]
- Pumice
- Queen Seekers [28]
- Rando Sailor*
- Random Potion
- Refugees [44]
- Rower Golem
- Sailcloth
- Sea Chariot [76]
- Sea Devil [68]
- Seagull [51]
- Ship's Manifest [74]
- Ship's Mast
- Skipping Stone [65]
- Soul-Swapping Sea Cucumber [88]
- Swimmer Racing Shark [43]
- Tiny Deity [48]
- Trail to the Far Lands [7]
- Tricorne Hat [90]
- Trident [72]
- Upright Mirror
- Vikings [96]
- Waterskin*
- Wooden Shoes [83]
- World-Shattering Horror [98]
"I Search the Body…" (1d100+1d6)
There is an implied real-world setting to some of these. Entries that are bold with a "*" should not be replaced after they are rolled.1-50. Number of sp equal to d100 roll just thrown.*
- Abacus
- Astrolabe
- Auger
- Barometer, Wrong
- Block & Tackle
- Chalk
- Coded Message
- Compass
- Contagious Tattoo
- Crowbar
- Cup-and-Ball Toy
- Deck of Cards
- Dowsing Rods
- Ear Trumpet
- Fine Perfume
- Flares (1d6)
- Flask of Rum*
- Flute
- Giant Shark Tooth
- Grappling Hook
- Grenades (1d6)
- Hand-Hooks (1d6)
- Hatchet
- Keys
- Knitting Needles
- Letter of Marque
- Live Fish
- Mattock Head
- Mop Heads (1d6)
- Packet of Seeds
- Pearl Eyeball
- Pocket Bible, Annotated
- Political Pamphlet
- Rations* (1d6)
- Scrimshaw
- Sea Salt
- Seaglass
- Sewing Kit
- Sextant
- Silk Rope
- Snuffbox Full of Parmesan
- Spare Flag:
- Dutch
- English
- French
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Other
- Spyglass
- Treasure Map
- Tuning Fork
- Voodoo Doll
- Wanted Poster for:
- Corpse
- Party Patron
- PC
- PC's Sister
- Rando
- Rival
- Waterskin*
- Weights & Scale
- Whistle
I have removed a mention of a product by Zak S. and also a link to some work I did related to his Discord server. For more information, see my post here.
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